Maintenance, restoration and structural adjustments
SPIC is able to act quickly, efficiently and competently on all types of bridges or viaducts
Extraordinary maintenance of bridges and viaducts
For the decks and piles of bridges and viaducts in reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete and steel, both rail and road, SPIC has all the skills, organization, means and references to intervene in the cases of:
structural restoration
surface restoration
differentiated lifting to replace supports
functional and seismic adaptation
specialist deconstructions through the use of lauching girders (owned)
maintenance, stringing or replacement of stays
- stringing or replacement of prestressing cables
In these specific activities, SPIC has been operating for over a decade and has an emergency team composed of technicians and specialized personnel, in possession of suitable equipment and assisted by the company technical department.
These specialized teams work continuously at various Motorway Concessionary Companies.
In the context of highly specialized interventions such as lifting or external prestressing, SPIC is also able to offer integrated solutions between design and execution of works including the procurement of constraint devices and prestressing steels through synergies with other companies of the group of belonging.
The interventions with carbon fibers (FRP), where SPIC has gained specific and complete experience, has allowed SPIC to solve many critical situations in very short intervention times and at low costs.