Deconstructions and demolitions

Dismantling or deconstructing are activities in which SPIC can put all its experience, the operating means and the most appropriate equipment to obtain excellent results both from a technical and an economic point of view.

Disassemble, de-build and, only if necessary, demolish

SPIC has all the skills, organization and means to intervene in situations where disassembly or de-construction is required, i.e. a delicate and non-invasive activity for load-bearing structures (such as piers) or to be carried out in areas not very accessible.

These activities require particular expertise and SPIC is able to provide all the necessary services, from the preliminary investigations to the study of the intervention methods, including the design of the equipment to be used up to the realization of the activities, providing real and financial guarantees relating to the lead times. intervention and technical performance to be achieved.


Deconstructions and demolitions
Deconstruct, not destroy
It allows to respect the environment and to operate with great safety